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Location: Categories / Science & Technology / Environment & Geology

Magazine articles on environmental science and geology.
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Popular Mechanics
July 2005
The Texas City Oil Refinery Disaster When fuel spewed from the stack of a Gulf Coast facility in March, it went looking for a spark. It found one. mark for My Articles 127 similar articles
August 2005
Drilling project finds fault A drill rig in California is being used to research the San Andreas fault. mark for My Articles 93 similar articles
August 2005
Hurricane Outlook Updated With high activity early in the season, in addition to ripe oceanic and atmospheric conditions, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) revised its hurricane outlook. The new outlook indicates an increase in the number of expected hurricanes. mark for My Articles 152 similar articles
August 2005
Sara Pratt
Red Tide Plagues Northeast The water has remained clear this summer as New England is experiencing the worst outbreak of red tide since 1972, which prompted the closure of shellfish beds from Maine to Martha's Vineyard. mark for My Articles 23 similar articles
August 2005
Kathryn Hansen
Early Migration for Canadian Oil Geologists generally assume that the Alberta, Canada, oil sand deposit formed when dinosaurs prowled Earth during the late Cretaceous. But new isotopic measurements reveal that these previous estimates may be off by tens of millions of years. mark for My Articles 265 similar articles
August 2005
Naomi Lubick
Sumatra Tsunami Fault Photographed Oceanographers took the first close-up photographs of one of the remaining fault scarps: a cliff face that is one in a pair of parallel faults that created a kind of canyon just off the continental shelf of Sumatra. mark for My Articles 78 similar articles
August 2005
Megan Sever
Confusion Over Sinking Coasts in Gulf A new federal report states that land in Louisiana and probably throughout the Gulf Coast has been sinking at a relative rate of more than 1.5 meters (5 feet) per century for at least the last 100 years -- a rate significantly higher than previous reports have shown. mark for My Articles 20 similar articles
August 2005
Kathryn Hansen
River of Data Decodes Nile Cycles A story from the book of Genesis -- in which Joseph predicts seven years of abundant crops, followed by seven years of famine for Egypt -- drove researchers to scour centuries of water-level data for the Nile River to determine if such a cycle actually exists, and if so, what causes it. mark for My Articles 11 similar articles
August 2005
Megan Sever
Marshes Record Climate Changes Research coming out of a marsh near the mouth of the Hudson is now providing insight into how the ecosystem has evolved, based on a core that dates back 1,350 years, and could help planners better manage the system in the future. mark for My Articles 56 similar articles
August 2005
Naomi Lubick
Heat on U.S. Climate Policy Recent events have focused a spotlight on the Bush administration's position on climate change on both the international and national stage. mark for My Articles 343 similar articles
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